
Knowing how to assess and manage one’s own learning is critical for becoming an efficient and effective learner in higher education and across the lifespan. However, research suggests that learners are prone to developing incorrect beliefs about how we learn best (Bjork, Dunlosky, & Kornell, 2013). Thus, the three primary aims of my research are to (1) identify, (2) develop, and (3) describe the underlying cognitive mechanisms of techniques that improve self-regulated learning and metacognition for learners of all backgrounds. To accomplish these aims, I conduct rigorous laboratory experiments, applied classroom studies, and large-scale analyses of existing data to provide a multifaceted understanding of learning processes in a variety of educational contexts. 

Ongoing projects include:

Identifying the theoretical underpinnings of effective learning strategies

Investigating the role of test experience in promoting accurate metacognition

Promoting effective self-regulated learning